Rademacher Family Collection Finding Aid

Rademacher Family Collection, 1901-2015

Collection Number:


Finding Aid Publication Date:

Published in 2017. ©Copyright Chester Public Library.

Descriptive Summary


Rademacher Family Collection


Herman A. Rademacher, Jr.; Herman A. Rademacher, Sr.; and Jack Rademacher


1901-2015, with gaps


5 linear feet and 45 GB of electronic data


The Rademacher Family Collection documents the structures, businesses, land use, events, and people of Chester over more than a century (1901-2015). Through photographs, postcards, and oral-history videos, Herman A. Rademacher, Jr., tells the stories of his experiences growing up, running a plumbing business, and raising a family in a rural farming town that gradually turns into a suburban bedroom community. The collection contains primarily born-digital materials, although it also features the first few years of the Mendham-Chester Tribune newspaper from the 1930s.




Local History Department
Chester Public Library
250 W. Main Street
Chester, NJ 07930
Phone: (908) 879-7612
Fax:  (908) 879-8695
Email: LocalHistory@ChesterLib.org

Table of Contents

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Use:

This collection is open for research.

Physical Access:

The items in this collection may be used by patrons who abide by the guidelines (http://chesterlib.com//how-to-use-the-local-history-collections/) of the Local History Department. Some items may not be available for use due to their fragile nature, and they have been digitized.

Technical Access:

All of the items in this collection have been either digitized or created electronically. The Local History Librarian will make full-length oral history videos and digitized images available to patrons upon request. Chester Library computers may be used to experience the collection. Links within this finding aid have been provided for direct access to online exhibits featuring excerpts of the full-length oral histories, as well as images from postcards and photographs in this collection.

Conditions Governing Reproduction:

Copyright restrictions apply. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials whose copyright is owned by the Chester Library or a collection creator must be submitted in writing to the Local History Librarian, Chester Public Library, 250 W. Main Street, Chester, NJ 07930.

Preferred Citation:

[Identification of item], Rademacher Family Collection of Chester Public Library, Chester, New Jersey.

Collection Processed By:

Debra Schiff, Local History Librarian, in 2013-2014, additional items added to the collection in 2015

Finding Aid Author:

Debra Schiff, Local History Librarian

Description Control:

Description based on DACS.

Related Collections:

Combe Fill South Landfill Records

The Honor Roll Newsletter Collection

Table of Contents


Herman Albert Rademacher, Jr, was born in 1931 to Herman Albert Rademacher, Sr. (1892-1966) (Senior), and Florence (neé Sutton). His grandfather, Theodore Herman Rademacher, came to N.J. from Germany in 1863. According to Herman’s oral histories, Theodore was the first plumbing inspector in Newark, N.J. Both of Herman’s parents were born in Newark, N.J. Florence was a housewife and raised the six Rademacher children: Ruth, Dorothy, Mary Ella, Jessie, Herman, and Walter. Senior moved the family to Chester because his wife’s family, the Suttons, had settled in town. Sutton’s Meat Market on Main Street belonged to Herman’s uncle, Paul. Senior took over Robert Call’s plumbing business and became “everyone’s plumber,” a circumstance which would befall Herman, and his son Jack, as well. Herman took over the business in 1948 and ran it for 52 more years until his retirement.

Herman’s parents were actively involved in the Chester community. Senior served in the Chester Volunteer Fire Company, and Florence served in the Women’s Auxiliary. He was Fire Chief in 1944, and was instrumental in creating the Chester First Aid Squad. Florence was Relief Director of Chester. Senior also was Magistrate, and subsequently, Justice of the Peace and Town Recorder. He also was involved in local Civil Defense.

Herman graduated from Roxbury High School in Roxbury, N.J. in 1948. He married Shirley Hildebrandt when he was 20, and had three children, John (Jack), Gregory, and David. Jack (1952-) became the third generation of plumbers in his family and heads Rademacher Plumbing & Heating, now located in Hackettstown, N.J.

Table of Contents

Scope and Content

The Rademacher Family Collection (1901-2015, with gaps) includes postcards, photographs, oral histories, and newspapers. The value of this collection to researchers can be found in the documentation of Chester over time, via the visual materials and newspapers, as well as the personal recollections of a lifelong resident that span over 80 years. The video oral histories, in particular, give an object-centric, historical overview of the impact one family has had on the Chester area over generations.

The oral history recordings were produced by the Local History Department of the Chester Library in order to document the stories told by Herman Rademacher, Jr., when he deposited photographs and postcards with the library for digitization purposes. They were recorded in Chester Library during the fall of 2014. Excerpts were reproduced for viewing as part of a permanent online exhibit showcasing the video interviews and facsimiles of Herman’s postcards, which he spoke of in the videos.

The born-digital, high-definition, video oral histories focus on Chester Borough and Township, although there are some references to nearby localities, such as Dover and Morristown. The considerable use of Herman’s postcards and photographs in the videos not only link them to those objects, but help provide added dimension to the images and his stories that would not have been available otherwise. The subjects covered in the interviews range widely from daily life to special events. Considerable time is spent on Herman’s family, especially his and his father’s careers as local plumbers. Those discussions include details of many properties and families in the area. Herman also speaks at length about his experience with houses of worship in Chester, and their leaders. The oral history videos comprise 21.7 GB of data. The videos were created using a Canon VIXIA HF M32 video camera and external microphone. Edited videos for YouTube and the online exhibit were produced in MP4 format. Transcripts are available for the edited videos, and will be created for the raw files in the future.

All of the postcards and photographs in the collection were loaned to the library by Herman (deposited and digitized in 2014) and Jack Rademacher (deposited and digitized in 2013) with the specific purpose of sharing them with the community via digitized facsimiles. The original photographs and postcards were created mainly from 1901-1950, however more recent photos from Herman and Shirley’s 50th wedding anniversary originate in 2001. The older images feature buildings and businesses of Chester, as well as some local residents and Herman’s family. There are 19.3 GB of still image data in TIFF and JPG file types.

The newspapers donation from Herman came later than the postcards, during one of the recording sessions in 2014. While the majority of newspapers are Mendham-Chester Tribunes, from 1936-1938 (including the first issue of the newspaper), Herman also donated select clippings of the Morristown Daily Record (June 24, 1950), Newark Evening News (Feb. 28, 1938), Newark Sunday News (Sept. 3, 1950), and the Mendham-Chester Tribune’s successor, the Observer-Tribune (March 9 and 16, 1966). The Mendham-Chester Tribune and Newark Evening News papers were collected by Herman Rademacher, Sr.

The papers are housed in 5 oversized boxes. The newspapers were digitized and indexed thanks to a Morris County Historical Commission grant in 2015. The digital format of the papers is PDF, and there are 6.37 GB of digitized newspaper data.

Table of Contents

Organization and Arrangement

The materials are organized into two series: Series 1: Visual Materials and Series 2: Newspapers. The Visual Materials are organized into two subseries: 1. Herman Rademacher and 2. Jack Rademacher.

The Herman Rademacher subseries includes the born-digital oral histories, video clips created for the online exhibit, and photographs taken by the Local History Librarian during the oral history videos, as well as digital facsimiles of photographs and postcards Herman loaned to the library. All of the photographs are organized alphabetically and numerically by file name and number. There are 19.3 GB of still image data in TIFF and JPG file types. The oral history videos are organized alphabetically and numerically by file name and number. The oral history videos comprise 21.7 GB of data. Additionally, accompanying transcripts in DOC and PDF formats for the edited videos used in an online exhibit comprise 1.51 MB of data.

The Jack Rademacher subseries contains digital facsimiles of postcards loaned to the library by Jack. These images are TIFF files, and comprise 2.28 GB of data.

The Newspapers series is organized chronologically both in analog and digital format. Use copies of the newspaper files are available on all Chester Library computers. The papers inhabit 5 oversized boxes in 5 linear feet. The digital format of the papers is PDF, and there are 5.9 GB of digitized newspaper data.

Preservation Note:

Some of the papers are very fragile and torn. Some flattening and conservation was required to digitize these items. The conservation work was done by the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts in Philadelphia.

Table of Contents

Index Terms

Corporate Names/Organizations Subject:


Auberge Provençal
Bell Labs.
Black River Playhouse
Boy Scouts.
Central Railroad of New Jersey
Chester Coronet Band
Chester Diner
Chester First Aid Squad
Chester House
Chester Institute
Chester Free Public Library
Chester Public School
Chester Volunteer Fire Company
Church of the Messiah
Community Presbyterian Church
Combe Fill South Landfill
Cooper Mill
County College of Morris
Esso gas station
Federated Church of Chester
Filiberto Sanitation
First Congregational Church of Chester
Ford Motor Company.
Grace Bible Church
Hershey’s Ice Cream
Hopler’s Store
Larison’s Turkey Farm
Leck’s Luncheonette
LuShan Farm
Mangel’s Candy
Maple Tree Inn
Masonic Lodge
Melrose Farm
Mendham-Chester Tribune
Methodist Episcopal Church of Chester
Muskrat Depot
Public House
Parks Farm
Route 31
Roxbury High School
Skellenger’s Store
Sutton’s Meat Market
The Cross Roads Inn
The Herb Farm
The Twins Inn
William Savage’s Barber Shop
Williamson School


Fire departments.
Justice of the Peace
Local history.
Peach orchards
Post office buildings New Jersey
School & Education.


Abeles, Janet
Apgar, Roy
Apgar, Mary R.
Barkman, Millie
Bragg, Dudley D.H.
Call, Robert
Chamberlain, Morris
Chubb family
Collis, Ed
Conover, George E.
Croot, Roy
Crum, Buster
Cypher family
Dean, Thomas
Emmons, Harry
Gabriel, Jerry
Hopler, Clyde
Hopler, Ella
Hopler, Gilbert Y.
Lee, Art
Mack, J.B.
Maysey, Larry
Mennen family
Pullman, Samuel C.
Rademacher, Dorothy
Rademacher, Florence
Rademacher, Herman A., Jr.
Rademacher, Herman A., Sr.
Rademacher, Jessie
Rademacher, John (Jack)
Rademacher, Mary
Rademacher, Ruth
Rademacher, Shirley
Rademacher, Walter
Rockefeller family
Rogallsky, Charles
Savage, William
Serbe, Walter
Sutton, Paul
Topping family
Tredway, William, Jr.
Tredway, William, Sr.
Wilcox, Lois
Zezzo, Joseph (Rev.)


Chester (N.J.)
Chester School
Chester Township (N.J.)
Cooper mansion
Crystal Lake
Grove Street
Hacklebarney Road
Hacklebarney State Park
Henry Cooper House
Hillside Avenue
Lamerson Road
Long Valley
Main Street
Milldale Mill
Morris County (N.J.)
Morristown Region (N.J.)–History, Local.
Mount Arlington
New Jersey.
North Road
Oakdale Road
Parker Road
Pleasant Hill
Pullman Mansion
Robinson’s Hill
Roxbury High School
Schooley’s Mountain
State Route 24
State Route 31
State Route 206
Telephone Hill
Town well

Genre Terms:

Born digital
Community newspapers.
Oral histories
Sound recordings
Video recordings
Visual resources
Web sites

Table of Contents

Series 1: Visual Materials, 1901-2015, bulk 2014

Subseries 1: Herman Rademacher

Electronic Records

28 each MTS, AIX2, VIX, and VIX2 files comprising the born-digital, high-definition original oral history videos, recorded in 2014.

64 MP4 and 51 LVIX files comprising the born-digital, edited-for-the-web video clips based on the original oral history videos. 63 of the videos may be accessed at YouTube, on the Chester Library channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99LANCh2J3w&list=PLTep06o-EtCEfyiWQj2zzE1IQQS4wKDqw. Produced in 2014-2015.

80 TIFF images comprising the born-digital photographs taken of Herman to document the oral history recording sessions, created in 2014.

15 DOCX and 18 PDF files comprising the born-digital transcripts of the edited videos used in the online exhibit beginning here: https://localhistory.chesterlib.org/memories-of-chester-the-herman-rademacher-series/. Created in 2015.

202 TIFF digital facsimiles of loaned postcards. Scanned in 2014.

206 TIFF digital facsimiles of loaned photographs. Scanned in 2014.

151 JPEG files of images resized and edited for the online exhibit (see link above). Produced in 2014-2015.

Subseries 2: Jack Rademacher

Electronic Records

102 TIFF digital facsimiles of loaned postcards, scanned in 2013.

60 JPEG files of images resized and edited for the online exhibit beginning here: https://localhistory.chesterlib.org/online-exhibits/chester-postcards-introduction/. Produced in 2013.

Table of Contents

Series 2: Newspapers, 1936-1966, with gaps, bulk 1936-1938

Electronic Records

115 PDF files of digitized Mendham-Chester Tribune newspapers, 1936-1938.

3 PDF files of a digitized Morristown Daily Record clipping, 1950.

1 PDF file of a digitized Newark Evening News clipping, 1938.

1 PDF file of a digitized Newark Sunday News clipping, 1950.

2 PDF files of two digitized Observer-Tribune clippings, 1966

Table of Contents

Container List

Container Series Folder Title Date(s)
Box 1 2 1 Observer-Tribune 1966
2 Newark Sunday News 1950
3 Morristown Daily Record 1950
4 Newark Evening News 1938
5 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
6 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
7 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
8 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
9 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
10 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936
11 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1936


Box 2, Mendham-Chester Tribune, 1937


Container Series Folder Title Date(s)
Box 2 2 1 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
2 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
3 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
4 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
5 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
6 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
7 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
8 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
9 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
10 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
11 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
12 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
13 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
14 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
15 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
16 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
17 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
18 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
19 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
20 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
21 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
22 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
23 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
24 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
25 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
26 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
27 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937


Box 3, Mendham-Chester Tribune, 1937


Container Series Folder Title Date(s)
Box 3 2 1 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
2 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
3 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
4 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
5 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
6 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
7 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
8 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
9 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
10 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
11 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
12 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
13 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
14 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
15 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
16 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
17 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
18 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
19 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
20 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
21 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
22 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
23 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
24 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
25 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
26 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
27 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937
28 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1937


Box 4, Mendham-Chester Tribune, 1938


Container Series Folder Title Date(s)
Box 4 2 1 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
2 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
3 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
4 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
5 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
6 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
7 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
8 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
9 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
10 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
11 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
12 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
13 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
14 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
15 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
16 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
17 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
18 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
19 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
20 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938


Box 5, Mendham-Chester Tribune, 1938


Container Series Folder Title Date(s)
Box 5 2 1 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
2 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
3 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
4 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
5 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
6 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
7 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
8 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
9 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
10 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
11 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
12 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
13 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
14 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
15 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
16 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
17 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
18 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
19 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
20 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
21 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
22 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938
23 Mendham-Chester Tribune 1938


Table of Contents