Chester Then & Now Index

A lifetime Chester resident, Joan S. Case published two books on Chester, Chester, Then & Now, and Chester, Images of America. Because these books did not contain indexes, volunteers and staff of the Chester Library’s Local History Department created indexes to help researchers locate topics included in these handy historical photo books. To learn more, please contact the Local History Department at

To use this index for Chester, Then & Now, click on the letter below to see the topics, names, and locations listed for that letter. The page number(s) for those items appear to the right of the item.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academy Lane, 80
Aerospace industry, 41
American Indian trails, 14
Anglican communion, 89
Anthracite Hotel, 31
Apgar, John, 87
Apgar, Willard, 25, 87
Applejack (see also “Jersey Lightning”), 7, 16, 96
Arboretum, 27
Arch supports, 33
Archdiocese of Paterson, 65
Atlas of Morris County, (Beers, F.W.) 1868, 68

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Bakery, 33
Bamboo Brook, 28
Bank, 49
Bank barn, 24
Bank house, 53
Barbershop, 40
Benjamin Luse Farm, 44
Bernie’s Hillside, 31
Bicentennial celebration (1999), 94
Bicycle shop, 59
Birkmaier, Albert, 39
Bizzy Lizzy’s, 19, 82
Black River, 7, 16, 20, 37, 41, 54, 76, 90
Black River Playhouse, 73, 91
Black River Presbyterians, 75
Blacksmith, 20
Blast furnace, 42
Bonded Brandy, 96
Bragg, Joseph (Mrs.), 85
Brick Hotel, 17, 29, 32, 34, 35, 71
Brick Tavern, 19
Brickyards, 7, 45
Bridle paths, 9
British spies, 57
Brunswick Landing, 10, 19
Budd Avenue, 15, 34, 68, 92
Budd, Daniel, 17, 29, 35, 56, 71
Budd family, 56
Bungalow-style homes, 70
Burd, Lank, 58
Burr, Jim, 13
Butcher, 36

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Cabinet shop, 30, 60
Carousel, 49
Carriage shop, 49
Cash and carry, 46
Central Railroad of New Jersey, 7, 43, 90
Chamberlain, Morris, 47
Cherry Street, 92
Chester Academy, 57
Chester Borough, 76
Chester Borough Municipal Building, 73, 91
Chester Cemetery Association, 72
Chester Firehouse, 93
Chester Furnace, 42
Chester Garage, 47
Chester Hill, 90
Chester Hotel, 35
Chester Institute, 17, 29, 35, 56, 71
Chester Iron Company, 66
Chester Railroad, 41, 90
Chester Retreat Nursing Home, 25, 56, 71
Chester School (first), 80
Chester Springs, 25
Chester Springs Shopping Center, 25, 56
Chester Stage Coach, 10, 19
Chester Theatre Group, 73, 91
Chester Township Municipal Building, 24, 84
Chester Volunteer Fire Company, 93, 94
Church of the Messiah, 16, 89
Church Street, 68
Cider mill distillery, 16, 51, 89, 96
Civil War, 7, 52, 92
Coal yards, 43
Cockfights, 31
Coleman and Bunn, 72
Collis, Edwin, 96
Congregational Church, 72, 76
Congregational meetinghouse, 79
Congregationalists, 76
Conover Cash Store News, 46
Conover, George E., 13, 46, 59
Conover’s Cottage, 59
Conover’s Paint and Wallpaper, 13
Conover Press, 13
Cooper Lane, 45
Cooper Mill, 24, 30, 52
Cooper, Nathan, 20, 30, 45, 79
Cooper-Hewitt and Company, 88
Corwin, Isaac, 44, 60
Corwin, John C., 61
Crossroads, 63, 79
Crossroads Hotel, 48
Current, L.T., 31


Daniel Budd’s machine shop, 33
Davidson Manufacturing Company, 33
Dean’s Crossroads Inn, 38, 48
Dee, Billy, 13
DeHart, Fred, 34
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad (also, D.L. and W.), 7, 10, 31, 41, 50, 90
Depot House, 31
Diocese of Newark, 89
District School No. 5, 83
Donnell, Elizabeth, 22
Dover, 96
Dover Chester Road, 48, 79, 81, 96
Drake, Jacob Jr., 29, 34, 35, 38, 48
Drake, Zephaniah, 9, 17, 29, 35
Drovers, 17


E.H. Dunham and Sons Store, 34
East Jersey, 7
Elizabeth D. Kay Environmental Education Center, 22
Emmon, Silas, 18
Emmons, John, 54
Episcopal Church, 89
Evans, J.D. (Mrs.), 63

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Fairclo, Isaiah, 17, 61, 88
Fairclo, Thomas, 32
Fairclo’s Tavern, 61
Fairmount Avenue, 15, 66, 67
Farm crops, 7, 64, 74, 96
Farming, Farms,  7, 12, 22, 26, 28, 54, 55, 64
First Congregational Church, 77
First general store, 88
First Presbyterian Congregation of Roxbury, 75
Flagpole, 18
Flagstaff Inn, 38, 48
Flour mill, 20, 30
Ford cars, 47
Forest Hill School, 81
Forges, 7
Fourth of July parade, 94
Fox Chase Road, 55
Fragman, John, 40
Franklinite, 42
Furnace Road, 42, 87
Furnaces, 7, 42
Furniture production, 7
Furniture store, 49


General store, 46, 63
Gentlemen’s furnishings, 36
German Valley, 84
German Valley trap rock, 72
Gift store, 49, 59
Grace Bible Chapel, 74
Green, Lon, 13, 46
Green’s Pharmacy, 13
Gristmill, 7, 20, 30, 37
Grocery store, 36
Grogan family, 25, 56
Grove Street, 73, 80, 91
Guerin, Harvey, 62


Hacklebarney,  37, 52, 57, 63
Hacklebarney Cider Mill, 51
Hacklebarney Forge, 20, 52, 95
Hacklebarney Road, 37, 52
Hacklebarney trestle and roaster, 95
Haines, James, 57
Haines, Jared, 9, 15, 57
Hanging wall accident, 53, 95
Hann, Edward, 31
Hardin, Charles R., 49
Harding, Warren G., 18
Hardin’s Clothing Store, 49
Harness shop, 47
Hedges family, 69
Hedges house, 69
Hedges mine, 90
Hedges, Smith (Dr.), 13
Hedges, Woodhull Dr., 69
Herb Farm, 64
Hidden River Farm, 22, 64
Hideaway Farm, 57
High Bridge, 90
High Bridge Railroad, 43, 90
Hiking trails, 50
Hillside Road, 11, 15, 19, 32, 35, 61, 69, 70, 76, 82, 87, 88
Hinds, Alfred W., 89, 96
Hines, Duncan, 64
Historic buildings, 12, 28
Hoffman, J. Cecil, 66
Hoffman, Jack, 94
Honor Roll Memorial, 85, 86
Hopler family, 61
Hopler General Store
Hopler, Clyde, 82
Hopler, Gilbert, 82
Hopping and MacDougal house, 32, 61
Hopping family, 66, 67
Hopping, Harold F., 66
Horses, 66
Horticulture, 9
Horton, David L., 28
Horton, Mary, 81
Hortontown, 23
Hortontown Station, 81
Howell, Elias, 54
Howell family, 50
Howell, Obadiah, 20
Howell’s general store, 89, 96
Huguenot immigrants, 40
Hunnel, Frederick, 28
Hutcheson, Martha Brookes, 28


Ice cream stand, 39
Ice house, 20
Immediate Medical Care Center, 38, 48
Industry, 7, 42
Innkeepers, 9, 61
Iron mines, 7, 12, 43, 52, 63, 68, 95
Iron ore, 7, 12, 41, 43, 52, 68, 95


J.W. Arrowsmith, 33
Jacob Drake’s Tavern, 48
Jacobus, Earl, 87
Jersey Lightning, 7, 16, 96
Jersey Spiegel Iron Company, 42
Justice of the Peace, 36, 57


Kay, Alfred (Mrs.), 64
Kay, Alfred G., 22
Kean, John, 30
Kennedy family, 26
Kohler, William, 31
Ku Klux Klan, 84


Lamerson Road, 54
Landing Road, 10, 19
Langdon, Josephine, 79
Langdon, Lewis W., 66
Lank’s Inn, 58
Larison, Willis, 44, 60
Larison’s Turkey Farm Inn, 44, 60
Larrason, William, 75
Larry Maysey Veteran’s Memorial, 86
Lawrence Line, 7
Leck’s Luncheonette, 34
Lenni-Lenapi Indians, 7
Library, 32, 33
Lincoln House, 96
Livery, 47
Log home (cabin), 54
Longview Road, 28
Lower Hacklebarney Mill, 37
Luce Tavern, 61
Luse, Benjamin, 17, 32, 44


MacDougal family, 66
Mack family, 61
Magnetic compasses, 95
Mahlon Pitney and Henry Jacobson house, 51
Main Street, 12, 13, 14, 17, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49,  52, 59, 61, 63, 68, 71, 73,  78, 80, 82, 86, 88, 91, 92
Mangels’ Candy, 56
Mangels, William, 56
Mansard roof, 49
Maple Avenue, 73, 91
Maysey, Larry (Sergeant), 86
McBride, Mary M., 64
McCourry, Benjamin, 79
Meloni & Farrier Organbuilders, 77
Memorial Day, 86
Mendham, 75, 76
Mercadante family, 74
Merchiston Farm, 28
Methodist Church, 73, 78
Methodist conference, 78
Methodist Episcopal Church, 73
Mill stones, 30
Milldale, 20, 30
Milldale Post Office, 21
Milldam, 20
Miller house, 24, 52
Milltown,  16, 20, 21, 24, 36, 52, 84
Milltown School, 24, 84
Mine Hill, 95
Miners, 40, 52, 95
Mining, 41, 52, 53, 68
Mining company store, 88
Minuteman, 54
Mooney, (Miss), 65
Moore, Thomas A., 92
Morris and Essex Railroad, 41
Morris and Washington Turnpike Commission, 53
Morris County, 7, 24, 50
Morris County Park Commission, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 50
Morristown, 54
Mountain Springs Distillery, 16, 96
Murder, 32, 61
Murdolo, M.A., 77
Muskrat Depot, 10, 11, 19, 31


N.J. Sharp Company, 96
Natchez, Mississippi, 76
National Register of Historic Places, 28


Oakdale Road, 11, 15, 41, 48, 58, 74
O’Brien, Al, 97
Odell, C.S., 77
Odell, J.H., 77
Old Hill Church, 75
Old Mill Tavern, 21
Old Road, 15
Once Upon a Table, 82
O’Neil, Luella, 31
Open space, 7
Orchards, 7, 16, 51, 96
Outdoor education center, 28


Paine, (Miss), 81
Paint and paper hanging business, 46
Paradise Farm, 26
Parker Road, 57, 82, 84, 89, 96
Patrey family, 55
Patrey family cemetery, 55
Patriot’s Path, 50
Pearl Harbor, 64
Pederson, Henry, 83
Pederson, Patricia,  83
Pegasus Antiques, 19, 71
Perry Street, 47, 68
Peters, (Perley), 39
Pitney, Amy, 51
Pitney, Andy, 51
Pitney, Charlie, 51
Pitney, Elizabeth, 51
Pitney, Elwood, 51
Pitney, Robert D., 51
Pleasant Hill, 75
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 65, 75
Pleasant Hill Road, 65, 75, 83
Pleasant Hill Sabbath School, 83
Pleasant Hill School, 83
Pond, 25
Post office, 13, 32, 63, 82
Presbyterian Church, 57
Preserved farmland, 8
Preserved parkland, 8
Printing shop, 46
Prohibition, 31
Prospect Lodge No. 24, 49
Publick House, 35
Puddingstone, 27
Pullman, Samuel C., 62


Railroad Avenue, 10, 72
Railroad stations, 7, 10, 11, 43, 50

Ralston, 76
Rankin, William, 17, 35
Readington, 54
Red House Lot, 61
Robin Hurst, 63
Rockefeller, Carlos (Rocky), 59
Rockefeller family, 59
Rockefeller, Gert, 59
Rockefeller, John P., 21
Route 206, 14, 25, 43, 44, 54, 87
Route 24, 23, 40, 96
Route 31, 14
Route 513, 14, 16, 21, 43, 44, 53, 89
Roxbury, 7, 23, 50, 53
Roxiticus, 76
Runyon family, 55
Rural mail delivery, 82


Saw mill, 20, 24, 37
School bus route, 39
Schoolhouse (schools), 17, 29, 35, 56, 57, 71, 79,80, 81, 83, 84, 91
Searles, Elmer, 63
Sears Catalog home, 59
Seminary Avenue, 71
Sentry Lane, 63
Service men and women, 85, 86
Simmonds Precision Company, 41
Simpson and Case, 34
Skellenger, Isabella (Ming), 11, 40
Skellenger, Theodore P., 35, 47, 68, 71
Skellenger’s restaurant, 40
Smith, Chris, 65
Smith, Jerry, 65
Southhold, Long Island, 76
Spiegeleisen, 42
Spiritual retreat, 65
Stagecoach stop, 7, 10, 29
Stagecoaches, 7, 9
State Park Road, 51, 53, 64, 95
Steam engine, 33
Steinberg, John, 85
Stephens, Richard, 96
Stonybrook Farm, 62
Stout family, 55
Sturzenegger, Edmund, 11
Sturzenegger, Regina, 11
Suburbs, 70
Sussex County, 10, 19
Sutton’s store, 36
Swackhammer family, 65
Swayze, Caleb, 57
Swayze, Samuel, 53
Swayze, Samuel Jr., 76
Swimming hole, 25
Swiss embroidery factory, 11


Taverns/hotels, 17, 19, 21, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 48, 58, 61, 88
Telephone offices, 13
Terry, Deborah, 23
Terry, Richard, 23
Theatre in the round, 91
Thompson, Austin, 69, 94
Thompson, Austin (Mrs.), 85
Thompson, Reuben, 94
Threshing machines, 33
Topping, James, 7, 36, 44, 60
Tracker organ, 77
Trap shooting building, 87
Tredway, Charlie, 40
Tredway, James, 49
Tredway, S., 47
Trompe l’oeil, 77
Tubbs, Henry, 26, 27
Tubbs, Robert, 26, 27


Ulrick, George, 34
Union Hotel, 48


Van Doren brothers, 33
Vegetable market stand, 39
Victorian-era homes, 70
Vietnam War, 86
Villages, 24

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W.J. Tayor and Company, 42
Wagon repair,  92
Wallace, Bernie, 31
Warren Street, 92
Washington Turnpike, 9,  10, 15, 57
Washington, George, 54, 57
Washington’s Headquarters Museum Library, 54
Water power, 20, 30
Weldh, Philip, 63
Weldon Brothers, 95
West Jersey, 7
White, S., 83
Williamson School, 80, 91
Willowwood, 26, 27
Woolen and shoddy mill, 20, 37
Woodhull District School, 83
World War I, 70
World War II, 44, 64, 70, 85
Wyckoff family, 54, 55
Wyckoff, Hendrick (Henry), 54
Wyckoff, John, 13
Wyckoff, John T., 72


Yawger, P.A., 36
Yawger, P.C., 36
Younglove, Isaiah, 20, 30


Zeek, (Big Daddy), 53
Zinc, 42