Reproduction Use Policy

Patrons may request photocopies, copy prints, and digital images for most materials in the Chester Library Local History Collections. Reproductions are provided for personal and educational use. Patrons planning to reproduce/publish images of materials in books, articles, exhibits, videos, electronic transmission (publishing an image on a web site, for example), or other media must request permission in advance by submitting this Reproduction Use Form. Permission will normally be granted as long as applicable use and reproduction fees are paid, and donor or copyright restrictions do not prohibit the intended use. The long-term preservation of the materials is the primary concern of the Library, subsequently, the Library reserves the right to limit reproduction due to age, condition, or format.

Permission for reproduction is for one-time use, non-transferable, and limited to the applicant. Permission for reproduction is granted only for the expressed purpose described in this application. Any subsequent use constitutes reuse and must be applied for in writing. Any change in use from that stated on the application requires permission of the Chester Library Local History Department. An additional fee may be charged for reuse or change in use. This permission is non-exclusive; the Chester Library reserves the right to reproduce the image and to allow others to reproduce the image. Reproduction fees are not the same as use fees. Use fees are listed within the Reproduction Use Form. For photocopying materials, the fees are as follows: $0.10 per page for black and white, $0.30 per page for color. For digital copies, the fee is $5.00 per DVD or external drive.

The publishing party assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for infringement of the U.S. Copyright Code. Please note that physical ownership of the image by The Chester Library (or depositors of collections in its care) does not imply copyright, and it is the applicant’s responsibility to determine copyright ownership. In addition to the permission of the Chester Public Library, additional permissions may be required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain permission. The Chester Library Local History Department will aid the applicant in contacting individuals pertaining to permissions by providing addresses, when available. The Chester Library assumes no responsibility for infraction of copyright laws, invasion of privacy, or any other improper or illegal use that may arise from reproduction of any image. Please see the U.S. Copyright Office web site at for more information.

In all instances, the applicant agrees to hold the Chester Library and its agents harmless against any and all claims arising or resulting from the use of this/these image(s) and shall indemnify the Chester Library and its agents for any and all costs and damages arising or resulting from any such unauthorized use.

All reproductions must include Courtesy of Chester Library, Chester, New Jersey, in a caption or credit. When reproducing image(s) for a film, a credit line in the closing credits will suffice.

The applicant agrees to send the Chester Library Local History Department one copy of the work containing the reproduction.

Questions regarding record reproduction or publishing should be directed to the Local History Librarian at the address and telephone number above.

Download the Reproduction Use Form.