Tag: North Road
This Week in Chester History…
In 1960, a two-and-a-half story building and four-car garage on the E.A. Taylor farm on the North Road burned until destroyed, reported the Observer-Tribune. No one was injured, but the Ellis Burd and Henry Blokzyl families (10 people total) were left homeless as a result. Also burned that week were three cars when a fire broke out in a garage owned by Walter Patrey.
This Week in Chester History…
In 1960, “a spectacular fire” destroyed Hans Lowensteiner’s a 150 x 50 ft. cow barn, attached milk house, silo, and sleeping quarters of farm worker William Boloway. Lowensteiner, a North Road resident, and his hired workers had begun the evening milking when his wife pointed out the smoke at the roof. The farmer saved his 65 cows, but inadequate water supplies stymied the 140 firemen from 7 fire companies around the area, until a pond on the Bell Labs property (1 mile away) became the source of water to bring the conflagration under control. Source: Observer-Tribune
This Week in Chester History…
In 1959, the Observer-Tribune profiled Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick, who bought the old Chester schoolhouse on North Road and turned it into an antique shop. The schoolhouse was originally built in 1830, primarily through the efforts of Nathan Cooper. It was the first public school for the “North District.”
This Week in Chester History…
In 1957, Charlie and Lois Johnson of North Road hosted a 2-meter ham-radio picnic for some 45 adults and 20 children from New Jersey and Pennsylvania who heard their ham radio invitation. The Johnsons held novice and general radio licenses, enabling them to reach all of New Jersey and some of Pennsylvania on a two-wave frequency by phone. Charlie used bamboo rods and aluminum foil to fashion antennae. Source: Observer-Tribune.