Tag: Patriotic Order of Americans
This Week in Chester History…
In 1937, the front page of the Mendham-Chester Tribune listed the newly elected officers of the Chester Chapter of the Patriotic Order of Americans. Among those elevated were Mabel Hoffman, president; Grace Sutton, assistant president; Madelyn Emmons, vice-president; and Ada Tredway, assistant vice-president.
This Week in Chester History…
Responding to devastating floods in Ohio and Mississippi, the Chester School, Boy Scouts, and Patriotic Order of Americans raised funds for the Red Cross, in 1937. The school kids were asked to collect from their families, the Boy Scouts raised money through parties, and the P.O.A. held bingo parties to earn its contributions. Source: Mendham-Chester Tribune
This Week in Chester History…
The Patriotic Order of Americans Camp 82 announced its new slate of officers in 1937. According to the Mendham-Chester Tribune, the following women served the camp: Mabel Hoffman, president; Grace Sutton, assistant president; Madelyn Emmons, vice-president; Ada Tredway, assistant vice-president; Grace Emmons, conductor; Della DeWitt, assistant conductor; Mae Conklin, recording secretary; Sarah Thompson, assistant recording secretary; Lillie Hughson, financial secretary; Minnie Blaine, treasurer; Elizabeth Keller, chaplain; Jennie Strait, orator; Hazel Apgar, guard; Nellie Schuyler, sentinel; and Florence Hoffman, trustee.